Making our customers' dreams come true
It is said that there are more than 10,000 permits and licenses in Japan.
Various laws, ordinances, ministerial ordinances, and public notices contain various regulations such as permits, approvals, licenses, approvals, inspections, registrations, notifications, and reports to protect the appropriateness of transactions and the safety and security of the public.
Gyoseishoshi shoshi (administrative scrivener) is defined by the Gyoseishoshi Lawyer Law as "contributing to the smooth implementation of administrative procedures, contributing to the convenience of the public, and thereby contributing to the realization of the rights and interests of the public" and "preparing documents to be submitted to public offices and other documents related to rights and obligations or proof of facts at the request of others and for compensation,Preparation of application documents for permits and licenses, application on behalf of the applicant, and consultation services are the exclusive responsibility of administrative scriveners.The following is a summary of the results of the survey.
Whether you want to open your own store, draw up a contract, register a car, etc., we can provide accurate advice and apply for various permits and licenses on behalf of our busy consultants according to your business requirements.
Do you have any of these problems?
I would like to do "Sedori" on the Internet, but do I need a permit?
I want to open a real estate agency.
I want to open a ramen shop or restaurant.
I would like to open a restaurant that serves alcohol at night.
I run a company in the construction industry, but my former employer told me to get a construction business license.
I would like to create a company that sells used cars.
I tried to apply for a restaurant permit on my own and was not approved.
I wanted to do the procedure myself, but the government office is only open on weekdays.
Our administrative scriveners can help you!

First of all, as a conclusion, all of the above concerns and requests require either a business license, approval, or notification from the competent authorities, etc.
Article 22 of the Constitution of Japan guarantees Japanese citizens the freedom to choose their occupation, stating that "Everyone has the right to freedom of residence, relocation, and choice of occupation, so long as it does not conflict with the public welfare. However, this is "as long as it does not conflict with the public welfare. If everyone is free to do whatever they want, it could cause tremendous damage to people's lives, for example, food poisoning in restaurants, or leaks in an expensive home purchased with a loan, and when one wants to sue for damages, the real estate agency where one purchased the home goes bankrupt. Therefore, in order to protect the rights and interests of citizens and to ensure the safety and stability of their lives, the government has established certain restrictions on the choice of occupation by law.
Just as a license is required to drive a car, licenses and permits are necessary to conduct various types of businesses. Each type of license or permit has its own laws and regulations, and there are many rules and regulations to supplement these laws and regulations.
When you want to open a restaurant, it is not easy to check all relevant laws and regulations and apply for a legally valid license or permit. If a license or approval is not granted, the opening of the restaurant will be delayed, and you will also need to negotiate with the administrative agency based on the legal grounds as to why the application was denied.
Our firm can assist with everything from relatively simple "garage certification (automobile storage space notification)" to permits with strict licensing requirements (conditions), such as construction business permits.
- Construction Permit
- Secondhand Articles Dealer Permit
- Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business License
- Restaurant Business License
- workflow
Construction Permit

The term "construction business" is defined as the business of undertaking the completion of construction work, whether as a prime contractor, subcontractor, or under any other name, as defined by the Construction Business Law, which includes two types of construction work, building construction work and civil engineering work, and 27 types of specialized work. Persons wishing to engage in the following construction businesses must obtain a construction business license.
- Contracts other than building construction of 5 million yen or more (including tax) per contract
- Construction contracts of 15 million yen or more (including tax) per contract for a complete set of construction work
- Wooden houses with a total floor area of 150 m2 or more, regardless of the amount of the contract price
General Construction and Specific Construction
Large-scale construction projects will involve many subcontractors. Therefore, as a prime contractor, subcontractors who enter into subcontracts for construction work above a certain amount will be subject to more stringent requirements from the perspective of protecting subcontractors and ensuring the proper execution of construction work.
specified construction business
A person who intends to engage in the construction business and, in the course of the business, executes a subcontract for the whole or a part of one construction work that he/she undertakes directly from the client with the amount of subcontract proceeds (when there are two or more subcontracts for the work, the total amount of subcontract proceeds) that exceeds the amount specified by a Cabinet Order (2) Those who intend to construct the work with a subcontractor
The amount specified by a Cabinet Order shall be 45 million yen. However, in the case where the construction business for which the license is sought is a building construction business, the amount shall be 70 million yen (Article 2 of the Enforcement Order).
General construction
Other than the above specified construction business
Governor's License and Minister's License
There are two types of construction licenses, one from the prefectural governor and the other from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, depending on the location of the builder's place of business.
governor's license
If you wish to establish a business office only within the area of one prefecture, you must obtain a permit from the prefectural governor of the prefecture where your business office is located. However, construction work can be undertaken even in prefectures other than the one where the license is granted.
ministerial license
If you wish to establish a business office in more than one prefecture, you are required to obtain a license from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. This is the case where a business office is established across two or more prefectures. Therefore, even if a company establishes multiple business offices, if all the business offices are located in one prefecture, the license is issued by the governor.
Construction Permit Fees
Application for construction permit (new individual, Governor) | 120,000 yen and up |
Application for construction permit (individual renewal, Governor) | 50,000 yen and up |
Application for construction business license (new corporation, Governor) | 150,000 yen and up |
Application for Construction License (Corporate Renewal, Governor) | 50,000 yen and up |
Application for construction business license (new corporation, Minister) | 170,000 yen and up |
Application for Construction License (Corporate Renewal, Minister) | 70,000 yen and up |
Notification of Change of Construction Permit (Chief Business Management Officer, Full-time Engineer, etc.) | 40,000 yen and up |
retainer fee (e.g. for a lawyer) | 10% of the above costs |
Secondhand Articles Dealer Permit

The Secondhand Articles Dealer Law defines the rules for dealing in secondhand articles, which include the following: used articles, new articles that have been used or traded for use, and articles that have been somewhat cared for.
Since there is a risk that stolen or other crime-damaged goods may be mixed in with antique sales and distributed in society, thereby encouraging crime, various regulations have been established by law and other means.
13 antique items
Secondhand articles are classified into the following 13 items according to Article 2 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Secondhand Articles Dealer Law.
- Art works: paintings, sculptures, handicrafts, registered Japanese swords, etc.
- Clothing: textiles and other items worn primarily as clothing
- Watches and jewelry: watches, glasses, jewelry, precious metals, etc.
- Automobiles: Automobiles (including parts), tires, car navigation systems, etc.
- Motorcycles and motorized bicycles: Motorcycles (including parts), tires, etc.
- Bicycles: bicycles, inflators, baskets, covers, etc.
- Photographic equipment: cameras, lenses, microscopes, telescopes, etc.
- Office equipment: cash registers, computers, copiers, fax machines, shredders, etc.
- Machinery and tools: machine tools, civil engineering machinery, home appliances, household game machines, etc.
- Tools: furniture, musical instruments, CDs, DVDs, game software, toys, daily necessities, etc.
- Leather and rubber products: bags, bags, shoes, furs, etc.
- book
- Money certificates: gift certificates, beer tickets, train tickets, airline tickets, various admission tickets, etc.
Items that have no substance (e.g., electronic tickets), items that are consumed and lost (e.g., food, alcoholic beverages, drugs, cosmetics), items that become raw materials (e.g., metal raw materials, empty cans), items that cannot be used without changing their original nature or use (e.g., clothes remade into bags), ships, railroad cars, aircraft, etc,Articles that are unlikely to be stolen or that can be easily found if stolen are not considered antiques.
What is antique business?
This term refers to the business of "buying and selling", "exchanging", "buying and selling on consignment", or "exchanging on consignment" antique items.
(1) Secondhand dealer - No. 1 Business
Business of buying, selling, or exchanging antiques, or buying, selling, or exchanging antiques on consignment
(2) Secondhand dealer - No. 2 Business
The business of operating a market for the buying, selling, or exchange of antiques among antique dealers (antique market).
(3) Antique auction brokerage business - No. 3 business
Auction between a person who wishes to sell antiques and a person who wishes to purchase antiques
(Sales that provide a system in which (bidding) takes place.
A permit is required to engage in the sale and purchase of antiques as a "business. To do so as a "business" means that there is an intention to make a profit and that there is a certain degree of continuity.
For example, the act of selling unwanted household items at a monthly flea market held in a neighborhood park is not considered a business since it is not usually considered an attempt to make a profit.
However, for example, the act of trying to make a profit by selling items bought at a flea market at a low price on an online auction.If repeated more than once, it is considered a worthy "karma.
In other words, even individuals can buy items at online auctions or from friends and acquaintances and resell them on the Internet, the so-calledEven "Sedori" requires an antique dealer's permit as long as it is conducted as a "business.Whether or not it is judged to be "business" is not a matter of the person's intention, but rather whether or not it objectively appears so,Even if the person does not think it is a "business," it may be judged to be a "business" based on its actions and the flow of funds.
Fees for antique dealer permits
Application for antique dealer permit | 50,000 yen and up |
retainer fee (e.g. for a lawyer) | 10% of the above costs |
Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business License

Housing, along with food and clothing, is the foundation of life, but because general consumers lack knowledge and experience and can suffer great losses, it is necessary to ensure the proper operation of business and the safety and fairness of transactions. Therefore, a licensing system has been established for building lot and building contractors.
Our representative administrative scriveners, who are licensed "real estate agents," can assist you with post-licensing support as well.
What is the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business?
The real estate transaction business as defined by the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Law refers to the following activities as "business".
- Sale" of residential land or buildings
It is a contract in which one party promises to transfer its rights to a certain property to the other party, and the other party promises to pay for the transfer.
The sale or purchase of real estate owned by the public or a company by itself to another person. - Exchange" of a residential lot or building
It is a contract in which the parties promise to transfer their rights to each other's property.
The exchange of real estate owned by a public person or business for real estate owned by another person. - Agency" for the sale, exchange or lease of residential land or buildings
Agency is an act by which an agent expresses his/her intention in his/her own name on behalf of the principal and receives the expression of intention from the other party, the legal effect of which is attributed directly to the principal.
When an ordinary person requests another person (in most cases, a real estate agent) to sell a property he or she owns to another person, and the agent "represents" the person who received the request to sell the property. In this case, the contract itself is executed by the agent, but the effect of the contract is directly between the person who requested the sale (the original owner) and the person who bought the property (the new owner). - Mediation" of sale, exchange or lease of residential land or building
Mediation is an act of making efforts to the formation of a legal act between others. It is often expressed as "mediation" or "mediation," and is often described as "witness" or "mediator" on a contract.
The difference from agency is that both share the point that they are involved in a contract by receiving another person's request, but the agent in the case of agency can conclude a contract on behalf of the client. On the other hand, in the case of mediation, it plays the role of bringing the parties together, but is not directly involved in the contract itself.
When you are the "lessor" and lease real estate that you own.are exempted from the Building Lots and Buildings Business Law andNo license is required.For example, you do not need to obtain a license to own an investment condominium or to manage an apartment building.
What is done as a "business"?
It is to be done repeatedly (over and over again) to an unspecified number of counterparties (without specifying the counterparties).
- A divides a residential lot purchased by A into 10 lots and asks a building contractor to act as a sales agent to sell the lots.
→A license is required for the building construction business. - Case where A subdivides and sells a parcel of farmland owned by A
→A license is required for the building construction business. - A case in which B, who rents a building owned by A, repeatedly and continuously subleases each floor to an unspecified number of persons.
→Since A is only renting a building it owns, it does not fall under the category of a building contractor.
→B also repeatedly and continuously rents to an unspecified number of people, but since the building is rented by B himself, it does not fall under the category of a building contractor and does not require a license.
Governor's License and Minister's License
There are two types of licenses for the building contractor business, one from the prefectural governor and the other from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, depending on where the builder's business office is located.
governor's license
If you intend to operate a business with a business office only within the area of one prefecture, you must obtain a license from the prefectural governor of the prefecture where the business office is located. However, a person may operate a building construction business in a prefecture other than the one where he/she has obtained a license.
ministerial license
If you wish to establish a business office in more than one prefecture, you are required to obtain a license from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. This is the case where a business office is established across two or more prefectures. Therefore, even if a company establishes multiple business offices, if all the business offices are located in one prefecture, the license is issued by the governor.
Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business License Fees
Application for a license as a real estate transaction business (new, Governor) | 100,000 yen and up |
Application for a license as a real estate transaction business (renewal, Governor) | 60,000 yen and up |
Application for a real estate transaction license (new/ministerial) | 150,000 yen and up |
Application for a real estate transaction license (renewal, ministerial) | 100,000 yen and up |
Change of registered matters in the housing lot and building trader's registry (Office, officer, full-time trader, other) | 40,000 yen and up |
Application for registration as a licensed real estate agent | 20,000 yen and up |
Application to join the Building Contractors Association (All Japan and All Housing) | 25,000 yen and up |
retainer fee (e.g. for a lawyer) | 10% of the above costs |
Restaurant Business License

Food is the foundation of our life and health and is indispensable. When eating out, for example, few of us would question whether or not the food we order is dangerous. It can be said that we are able to eat what we are served in restaurants without any doubt because of our trust in food.
A permit from the prefectural governor, etc. is required to operate a business that has a significant impact on public health, such as a restaurant.
Licensed industries (partial excerpt)
The following are the types of businesses that require a permit according to the Food Sanitation Law. (excerpts)
- Restaurant business
- Meat and seafood sales (unpackaged products)
- Slaughtering and meat product manufacturing
- Confectionery, ice cream, dairy products, and soft drink manufacturing
- Manufacture of soybean paste or soy sauce
- Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing
- Tofu, natto, noodle and somen noodles manufacturing industry
- Frozen food and complex frozen food manufacturing
- Manufacture of pickles
- Food parceling business
Notified business type (partial excerpt)
Businesses other than those permitted and those not required to report are subject to notification.
- Meat and seafood sales business (sales of prepackaged meat and seafood only)
- Sales of dairy products and ice and snow
- Cup-type vending machine (automatic washing and indoor installation)
- lunch vendor
- Sales of vegetables, fruits, and rice grains
- Mail order and door-to-door sales
- Convenience stores, department stores, general merchandise stores
- Health food manufacturing and processing
- Coffee manufacturing and processing (excluding beverage manufacturing)
- Seasoning production and processing
- peddling
- Group meal facilities (except in the case of outsourced meal services)
- Manufacture and processing of utensils, containers and packaging
- Provision of food and beverages at stalls, temporary stores, etc., which are not considered as business
Industries not required to report
The following types of businesses are considered to have little impact on public health and do not require a business license or notification under the Food Sanitation Law.
- Importer of food products and additives
- Transportation and storage of food and additives (excluding freezing and refrigeration of food)
- Distributor of packaged foods and additives that can be stored at room temperature for long periods of time
- Manufacture of apparatus, containers and packaging (limited to those in which raw materials other than synthetic resins are used)
- Import of utensils, containers and packaging
Fees for restaurant business licenses
Application for restaurant business license | 50,000 yen and up |
Application for Food Manufacturing License | 60,000 yen and up |
retainer fee (e.g. for a lawyer) | 10% of the above costs |
Please contact us via our contact form, phone or line.
We will ask you for an overview of your consultation.

Please specify your preferred date, time, and convenient interview location.
We will meet with you approximately one week after we receive your contact. (Except for urgent cases, the first meeting is one hour free of charge.)
We will provide a fee estimate based on the difficulty of the permit, required procedures, and duration.
We charge a starting fee of 101 TP3T (excluding legal fees). The initiation fee will be allocated to a portion of the fees after the completion of the work. In addition, even though we have performed our services properly,If a permit is not granted, no fees will be charged, but the actual costs incurred in the process and the initiation fee will not be refunded.(In the event of special circumstances or special administrative decisions by the customer, a predetermined fee will be charged.)

The laws, regulations, and rules related to the type of license or permit you wish to obtain are set forth in the applicable laws, regulations, and rules. The requirements for permits and licenses are constantly being updated, and there may be differences in requirements depending on the government office to which you submit your application and the area in which you operate. We always check with the relevant laws and regulations and with the relevant government offices to determine whether a license or permit can be obtained based on the latest requirements and whether it is possible to apply for a license or permit in the first place, and we strive to realize the fastest and most accurate application possible.

We will collect and verify the necessary documents for your application to ensure that it meets the licensing requirements. We will ask you to pay in advance for the expenses required to obtain the necessary documents.
In general, the following three requirements are common to all types of permits and licenses. If you cannot clear each of these requirements, you cannot apply for a license.
- Personnel Requirements
Depending on the type of license, it is required to have a full-time manager, a qualified person, or a person who has completed a course or training. - physical requirement
Each license and permit establishes detailed obligations, including standard requirements for the establishment of stores, business offices, etc., vehicles, warehouses, storage facilities, etc. - property requirement
Property requirements are established for each permit, including deposit of security money and asset status.

We inspect the site of the store, office, garage, automobile, etc. to ensure that it meets the licensing requirements, surveying and photographing as necessary, and consulting with the government agency preceding the application.
We will advise the customer if the requirements are not met, or if necessary equipment is missing, etc.
Once the application form and all necessary documents for the application are ready, we will make a final confirmation with the client.
We will also inform you of the approximate time required to obtain the necessary permits and approvals from government agencies, and confirm and discuss with you the timing and necessary preparations for the opening of your new store or business.

We will apply to the administrative agency.
Depending on the type of permit, we may be able to apply on your behalf, or you may have to visit the office to apply in person.

If all the requirements are met and the documents are complete, the administrative agency will grant the license or permit. In the unlikely event that a permit is not granted even if all the necessary requirements are met, we will assist you in negotiating with the government agency if necessary.
If the desired license or permit is successfully completed, you will be charged a fee. In the unlikely event that for some reasonIf a permit is not granted, no fee is charged.(except in cases where the customer or the administrative agency has been unable to obtain a permit due to special circumstances), provided, however, thatInitiation fee is non-refundable.Please note that the following is a list of the items that are available for purchase.